I've had Quinoa out at restaurants and Whole Foods several times but had never made it at home. I concocted a recipe in my mind of wild mushrooms, garlic, red onions and red pepper and finally gave it a try here at home.
Quinoa, pronounced “KEEN-wah“, has a taste and texture of brown rice crossed with oatmeal. It’s fluffy, creamy, crunchy and somewhat nutty, all rolled into one. It can be prepared many different ways, making it extremely versatile.
Though Quinoa is commonly thought of as a grain, probably because of how we use it, however it’s actually a seed. If you love your carbs, but would really like to find a healthier option to plain old white pasta or rice, quinoa is a great substitute for those higher-carb foods.
Benefits of Quinoa include:
1. Complete source of protein-quinoa provides the full spectrum of nine essential amino acids. (Great choice, particularly if you’re a vegetarian or vegan.)2. Great for cardiovascular health
3. Provides antioxidant support
4. Reduces the risk of gallstones
5. Gluten-free
I purchased one cup of Quinoa at Whole Foods on my last trip there out of the bulk bins, but I have seen it in the organic section of Kroger. It's quickly becoming more of a mainstream food, even "round these parts" (*in my southern belle voice*) of Tennessee. I'm sure it can be found at most any grocery store.
Wild Mushroom Quinoa
1 Cups Quinoa
2 Cups low sodium vegetable stock (chicken or beef stock can be used as well)
4 to 6 oz Exotic, Gourmet, Wild blend mushrooms (or whatever your favorite mushrooms are)
1/2 small red onion chopped
1/2 red pepper chopped
1 clove of garlic, minced
Kosher Salt, to taste
Black pepper to taste
2 Tablespoons (or so) Worcestershire sauce
To begin, combine 1 cup quinoa with 2 cups stock in saucepan over high heat. Bring to a boil.
Once this comes to a boil, turn heat down to Medium Low and let simmer, covered, for about 10-15 minutes (or until all the liquid is absorbed). Give it a stir occasionally.
While the quinoa is working, add just enough Extra Virgin Olive Oil to a saute pan to coat the bottom. It's important to add just enough EVOO to save on fat and calories where we can.
Heat pan to between Medium-Medium High heat and add in chopped garlic, onions, mushrooms, and red pepper. Season the mixture with a little kosher salt and pepper.
Saute until cooked through, about 5-10 minutes. Keep pan warm until quinoa is done.
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This was the blend of mushrooms I found in my grocery. |
Once the liquid in quinoa is absorbed add in the mixture from the saute pan. Season with a little extra salt and pepper if needed, and add in the slashes of Worcestershire Sauce.
Mix together well to combine.
Done! My husband and I both loved this recipe.
It went really well with the salmon and veggies that night.
Oh, about that Salmon, I cooked it a little different this time. I used a broiler pan.
We both decided this was the best way we've prepared salmon thus far.
Line the bottom of the broiler pan with foil for easy clean up.
Preheat oven to broil and position the rack about 4-5 inches from the top element.
Place Salmon over the slots on top pan so that the juices can fall through the slits.
Season with whatever your favorite combos are.
Ours right now is "Slap your Mama" Cajun seasoning and little extra black pepper.
Let Salmon broil in oven until cooked through. (About 10, for mine)
Cooking it at a high temp leaves it extremely moist inside. Delish!
I have never heard of quinoa in my life! Thanks for introducing me to new stuff!!