Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Portion Distortion

I've gained 4 pounds!  There, I said it.  I have been a health superstar for the past 3-4 months.  Now, I can literally feel my progress slipping away.  My weight was down to a number that I hadn't seen since my early 20's, (let's just say I'm late 20's now, shall we?). 

Let's examine how the shrinkage, and now slight expansion of my waistline has occurred.  For starters, my husband was on board the health train, toot toot!  He too had put on weight since we moved in together four years ago.  He had never been interested in losing any weight though.  Until one day he woke up with a whole new attitude, seemingly overnight.  He decided to quit the gross fast food stops for lunch everyday.  These stops were a merry-go-round circuit of McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King. 

The new and improved husband 2.0 version only eats Jersey Mike Mini Turkey and Provolone on wheat, or a Subway Club on Wheat with light chips, no sodas every weekday for lunch.  That's right, he switches back and fourth between the two every day.  I would get sick of subs, but he seems to be okay with the monotony. 

I also drastically changed our nightly cuisine.  Prior to us turning over a new leaf, we would eat whatever our heart desired for dinner.  Granted, mostly grilled stuff, (I never fried anything here at home) but we had a major case of what I refer to as "portion distortion".  Portion Distortion is eating the biggest quantity of helpings that will fit on your plate.  Oh come on, we've all been there.  We have our most detrimental case on Thanksgiving Day.  Where you have to stack side items, on top of meats, on top of sides items.  Your plate is out of room but your only mid-way through the buffet.  Well, we tended to eat such hearty portions every night.  And boy oh boy, did it catch up to us.  

So I changed my wicked ways, with Jim into the new diet too.  We ate fish nearly every night.  I would fix a side of vegetables, steamed (normally a freezer baggie kind), and typically rice for a carb.  My rule at night was to stop eating when I was nearly full, not binge until I'm miserable.

Did it work?

YES!  But now, this is where things get real interesting 'round here.  My husband never even darkened the door of the gym over the couple of months we were losing weight, while I was running 3-4 miles 5 to 6 times a week on the treadmill (*sigh*).  He was still eating Subway and Jersey Mikes, while I made myself eat something here at home each day that was healthy (*sigh*).  HE, lost about 35 pounds.  35 pounds that I didn't even know he had to lose.  35 pounds, pretty effortlessly.  By only changing his lunch stops and cutting out cokes, eating my healthier meals at night. 35 pounds! 

(I can't lie, I started thinking sabotage about half way through the process, he lost 20 pounds, I lost... like 3.  I was starting to wonder if I should slip a couple pads of butter in his fish, or lace his coffee with heavy whipping cream.  BUT my better judgement overruled the devil perched on my shoulder.  I continued to support his rapid, infomercial worthy weight loss. Meanwhile I clawed and scrapped to lose every milli-pound.  Yes, even a milli-pound was a victory for me at the end of the day.)

Disclaimer: I'm not taking any of the glory from my husband.  I know he made sacrifices in his own way.  I'm very proud of him.  I just wanted to paint an accurate picture of the uphill battle I faced in my own house.

What did I lose?

20 pounds.  Yes, I know that's pretty respectable to most people.  But in case you have never seen me in person, lemme explain.  I'm 5'11.  So I have a lot of body to spread 20 pounds over when I gain it, and likewise a lot to loose it over when it's gone.  It's a great thing when I gain weight, but sorta frustrating when I lose it.  20 pounds later, few people even recognized I lost anything.  Oh, but they did my husband.  He is gracious though, and made sure to point out that I had lost weight too when people would compliment him. He didn't want me to lose steam.  He's sweet like that. 

Sure, there are few noticeable changes in me when I loose just 20 lbs.  My face is skinnier, yes. I fit into the skinny jean that I'd been saving on the top shelf of the closet, because I just knew I would wear them again someday.  (And ladies, is there any better feeling than zipping up that small size you had been working so hard for?  Zipping 'em. up, and thier LOOSE!  I equate that feeling to that of winning the lottery myself. Sublime!)

So, I'm down 20 pounds, where did I go wrong?

Once again, portion distortion.  It's what got me out of that weight, and it's what can get me back into that weight again.  I've been traveling some with work and having to eat out.  I traveled over the weekend to Minnesota, and as you see from yesterday's post I ate really, really well.  Oh, not to mention College Game Day's around my house!  Game day food was my kryptonite last year to put on the 20lbs, and I might be on my way to making the same mistake this year.

I'm still running some.  By some, I mean 1-2 times a week in the neighborhood.  No gym time.

I'm still 95% Pescetarian, (only eating vegetables and fish), only eating chicken and rarely beef on Saturday's or Sunday.

To answer your burning question, no, my husband hasn't gained back one ounce.

The solution to losing the 4 pounds is so obvious a 3rd grader could figure it out.  More exercise, smaller portions.  It's getting myself back into the groove that the hard part.

Why am I sharing all these embarrassing details about my weight? 

Accountability perhaps.  If I put these nagging 4 pounds out there for you friends to read maybe I'll work harder for it.  Granted, my 4 pounds is a smaller girls 2 pounds to lose, but it's hard losing it hard none-the-less.

If you haven't seen me lately, or perhaps ever, I don't want this blog of healthy food to give off the false image that I'm some stick figure health nut.  I'm not.  I crave macaroni and cheese nearly every day of my life.  Though haven't had any in months.  The smell of a burger cooking on a grill makes me want to eat it.  But the sight of a cow reminds me why I try to refrain. 

I struggle everyday, with e-v-e-r-y pound.  I feel like most of you reading this do also.  I dont' know a single friend of mine that doesn't obsess over their weight and self-image.  Most of these girls are size 2's.  I can't understand why they obsess since they are so thin, but I think we all teeter-totter with the same "4 pounds" I'm facing.  Sometimes we're up, sometimes we're down.  Whether size 2 or 12, we all fear the "4 pounds".

My question to you is, what gets you jump started back to eating well and exercising when you fall of the wagon like I have?  I would love to know where you find motivation. 

Is there a certain exercise program you enjoy?  Certain foods?  I would like to compile a list of things that we do right here in Clarksville Tennessee, (or Kentucky).  We are all working with the same local resources of gyms and food.  So let's share what works with each other.  Sure, we read these tips for eating and excersice in national magazines, but not all that is locally accessible.

If you want to share some tips or advice with me, or maybe want to struggle and lose the "4 pounds" together I'd want to hear from you.  Leave a comment here, facebook me, or email me at

Don't be shy!  I want to know all tips, big or small.


  1. I think you are beautiful Amanda- 4 pounds gain or loss!!!!

  2. I for the first time today walked the Greenway right here in Clarksville, Tn. I have heard about it for a while and everyone said it was beautiful but I really had no idea how true a statement that really was. It is absolutely fabulous. I thought I was in the east Tennessee mountains with all the fall foliage and river running by. The paved trail I took was 5.2 miles . Many people bike, walk their dogs, stroll their babies, run and even picnic. It is a wonderful addition to Clarksville and right in our backdoor. I encourage everyone to get moving and enjoy the fresh air and nice temps while they last. I also love, love Dunbar Cave hiking trail. It is literally in my backdoor and there is trail with challenging hills that is about 2.4 miles. I love the outdoors and it beats the heck out of a gym full of people and a boring treadmill machine. Grab a buddy and get going. Hope this helps.

  3. Amanda - congrats to you and Jim for the commitment to exercise, weight loss and good health! Love your blog...
    For me, consistency of both diet and exercise is the key. To lose weight, I drastically cut back on the sugar content of the foods I eat. Sugar is my enemy. When I slip up and have something sugary, I then crave sugar for days afterwards which is very hard to manage. So it is easier for me to be consistent. Same is true for exercise. I go to the gym 5 days a week for about an hour a day. My exercise program includes a lot of variety (cardio, weight training, pilates, walking, etc) so I don't get bored with it. When I do gain weight, I increase the cardio work for a few days until I work off the gain. I've lost about 60 pounds over the last two years. During this time, I also learned that what I eat affects my weight more than how much I exercise. In other words, I couldn't exercise enough to generate this kind of weight loss. The majority came from a radical change in eating habits but the exercise program is a critical piece of the puzzle as well. Hope this helps! (PS - if your gym has a cybex arc trainer, try using it for a while...more results for time spent and my favorite cardio workout)

  4. Ashley, I love you boo!

    Wow Becky, I had no idea about this Greenway! Thank you for telling me about that one. I've always wondered about the Dunbar Cave trails. If they were safe? If you trust them, I'll trust them. I had much rather be outside then in a gym too. This weather is just perfect to get activity in outdoors, isn't it.

    NANCY! 60 pounds! That's so awesome! You are like Jim, I never even knew you had 60 pounds to lose.
    I empathize with your sugar problem. If I have something sweet, I keep craving something sweet. I was also the same way about excerise, doesn't matter if I spent 3 hours a day/7 days a week, I would lose nothing if I don't alter my diet. We must have the same DNA! Ha!
    Thanks for all the advice. I admire how much you work at it! I need that kind of determination.
    I will have to check my gym for this Cybex Arc thingy!
