Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Must Read

If you are ready to get REAL about what you are eating and how it's affecting your body then I have two books you must read.

I found Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer because he was on the Ellen Show not once, but twice. (Which I saw as a divine sign from the heavens that I was supposed to pick this book up.) I have a love of animals that goes way back to my childhood. I cannot stand the visions of animal abuse that I was sure this book was going to paint for me. But never-the-less, I knew that if I was going to eat meat I need to know where it's coming from and what all the buzz about this book was about. I'm not going to give too much of this book away because I really want everyone I know to pick this up and read it. Disturbing? Absolutely, positively, yes!

The eye-opening part of this book to me is that it made me think a lot about my diet versus my beliefs. Is eating so much meat healthy or is it something us Americans have come (falsely) to believe? Now that I know where it comes from and how these animals are treated will I continue to consume meat as I have been? As you can see from my previous blogs about becoming a part time vegetarian, it's changed me for the better.

Fact is, that if I was the last person left of a farm full of animals, a butcher knife, and a large enough vegetable garden to sustain me for life I would never have enough guts "need" for meat to be able to kill one of those animals for food.
Think about it. Could you kill your own dinner if you had plenty of other foods to select from?

Food Rules by Michael Pollan, is my second must read. I think I would even advise you read this one before Eating Animals because these are changes you can make right away. I could never adopt every single rule in the book (he points out not anyone really could, but picking up a few rules out of each chapter can dramatically change your health). This book makes a lot of light bulbs go off about how "we" (AKA Americans) have become so swayed by advertsing. We have been brainwashed into believing we need all this processed, quick and easy foods. Quicker the better is NOT the ticket when it comes to food.

Each day I'll share with you a few of my favorite rules I've been able to adopt into my own lifestyle.

Today's food for thought. (Pun intended): "Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food."

What are you waiting for? GO PICK UP THESE BOOKS!

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